
My Blog

For those seeking a blog about the LGBTQ society, this blog isn’t it. LGTBQ is simply one part of a multifaceted blog this month. I’ve never been able to keep track of all the letters in this acronym until this week while listening to a podcast by Newsmax contributor Sebastian Gorka, an insightful analyst for Clinton and Trump. Then, similar to the humor in the phrase “Let’s go, Brandon,” I got what LGTBQ stands for. According to Gorka, It’s an acronym for “Let’s get Biden to quit.” Easy to remember, huh?

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I recall when Trump was running for President, and even while President, his haters in the media constantly heckled and fact-checked him and called out believed falsehoods. So where are all these fact-checkers now that the press got Biden into office?

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There are calls for banning gun sales to end these tragic killings. Guns don’t kill people. It’s the people pulling the gun trigger that kills people. The problem isn’t the guns; the mentally disturbed person pulling the trigger is the problem. The facts are that 67% of the death attributed to guns are suicides. The solution to gun violence is solving mental problems. I believe it all stems from the family life of the disturbed violator. Bring a child up knowing right from wrong and respecting life in general, and that child won’t kill. At the very least, parental supervisors will be around to forewarn authorities when the child goes ballistic. Raising children with a good helping of religion never hurt, either. Raising children in a single-parent home is too tough on the single parent and bound to affect the child negatively.

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Our government reminds me of irresponsible children when it comes to spending. The Democrats spend, spend, and spend more to get elected without regard to where the money comes from or how it affects the economy. Now Biden is pushing for a higher debt ceiling. What specific actions has the government taken that are bei for irresponsible spending?
The state of the economy proves that the government's spending has caused inflation, negative GDP, and rising interest rates.
Wasteful spending by Joewill only increases the national debt. Soon, we will be facing the inability to service that debt. We have record inflation, a low to negative GDP, and a recession with rising interest rates. These factors indicate a crappy economy triggered by massive government spending during COVID-19 to assist the non-working. Much of this money remains unspent because it was unneeded. It was wasteful spending by a man who clearly doesn't understand economics: Joe Biden.

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There has been a cry for restitution payments to Blacks because neither they nor their ancestors have endured slavery at the hands of white Americans in the distant past, nearly 200 years ago. There are so many problems with this idea it’s hard where to start. First, 200 years is longer than any mortal lifetime. No black has experienced slavery in modern American history. Indeed, no white enslaver or their descendants can be located to pay restitution for their ancestors. Suppose you could provide the link. Suppose you can’t prove all the links between all the blacks and the original enslavers. In that case, white Americans are paying blacks their hard-earned money for no reason..

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The question of whether the death penalty was moral and just, even cruel and inhuman punishment, first came to my attention when I was a kid over fifty years ago and continues to this day. The first death penalty began in 6400 BC. As a kid, I had little experience with life. I believed that if someone took, they deserved to have theirs taken in return. This opinion reversed evolved as a child, so I believed in the possibility of reform, but then I began to experience life, like being shot at and having a gun held to my head by a Mexican policeman. I realized that life and men could be cruel, and my earlier perception was naïve. Maybe murders can't be reformed. And what about justice for the victim's family? Don't they deserve an eye for an eye?

I hadn't thought of the death penalty for years until I heard that Oregon's mayor, Kate Brown, had commuted/deferred seventeen death sentences on death row to life imprisonment without parole, saying the death penalty was immoral.

The first thing I thought of was justice for the victim's families. The second thing I thought of was the cost of imprisonment the taxpayers would bear. At the same time, they have already incurred the price of a trial to convict a guilty murderer. A jury of this murderer's peers convicted this man. What right does this Governor have to reverse the people's legal wishes on seventeen counts, and what does this say to the people of Oregon considering murder?

Whether the death penalty deters murders is too confusing to answer. Some believe that a society that condemns murderers is so brutal that it causes murder. I am not of that belief. Although my faith in Jesus tells me, He forgives all sins. We'll be judged when we go before God. Taking the life of another would be hard to explain, and God has a special place reserved for sinners I wouldn't care to visit.

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Now that the republicans have the numbers in the House of Representatives, they have the brawn to begin effective legislation to take back our country from the Biden Admiration's disasters. To be effective, they will need to use their brains to get things passed the democratically controlled Senate and White House. In addition, they'll want to show the American People that a Republican-controlled government is worth voting into office in 2024.
They're already behind the eight ball. Bypassing the spending bill at year end, the government is funded till September 2023. This means they can't use government funding as leverage to get something passed the way the democrats just did.

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Most people associate the word “faith” with their belief or connection with their deity. One definition of faith is a strong belief in God. Some say faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. My father held no severe belief in God until his final days when his death was inevitable. True faith lends courage. His religious-like effort centered on his job and the domination of others to elevate his position in life. He mistrusted others and often sabotaged “friends” careers for his betterment. To his credit, his hard work was to make the best life for his family. I can’t complain since I was one of the recipients of his eventual wealth. My most significant complaint was how he treated friends, family, and especially his wife. He cheated on my mother poorly by openly cheating on her. My parents divorced after fifty years of drunken arguments, causing me to learn from their unhappiness or suffer a similar fate in life.

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